Tricky Business- Navigate Conflict with a Team Member

Jan 28, 2024

Navigating conflict is a complex subject for most of us. We don’t seek to conflict with anyone, but we may find ourselves in a situation that needs to be resolved positively for all concerned. In this series of four blog posts, I will share what I’ve learned as a Certified Leadership Coach & Trainer who has worked with many individuals and teams to improve communication. These tips can help you satisfactorily resolve the conflicts that arise.

As an Accredited Life and Business Coach, I get invited into situations where team members or family members have difficulty resolving interpersonal issues. Often, this involves well-meaning individuals who experience emotional triggers and can't seem to see eye-to-eye. Today's blog covers tips and strategies for learning how to have better conversations and keep your love on when the stakes are high.

 Facing challenges and obstacles can often seem daunting, leaving you feeling stuck without solutions. Despite efforts to reach out and communicate, progress and a clear path forward may still appear elusive. However, I firmly believe that with an openness to change and a willingness to adopt new ways of communicating, most people possess the inner strength and resilience needed to overcome these hurdles.

 Without increasing your capacity, the same problems will persist no matter where you are. Building a foundation for progress starts with mutual respect and a genuine desire to act rightly. I've found that individuals committed to their relationships or to staying within an organization can greatly benefit from adopting new ways of communicating. 

Communication has two avenues: speaking and listening. We can control only what we are doing at that moment. If we are listening, we can’t control the speaker…but we can control the quality of our listening.

 Next blog will focus on tuning up our listening skills.

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